JUMP TOgetting startedBase URLsKOTANI PAY API PLATFORMHEALTHCheck for the application healthgetINTEGRATORCreate an integratorpostGet an Integrator Details.getAUTHENTICATIONAuthentication LoginpostGenerate API Key.getFIAT WALLETCreate a Fiat WalletpostGet Integrator Fiat WalletsgetGet Integrator Fiat Wallet by Wallet IDgetUpdate Integrator Fiat Wallet by Wallet IDpatchGet Integrator Fiat Wallet by CurrencygetTransfer Deposit BalancepostCRYPTO WALLETGet Integrator Crypto WalletsgetGet Integrator Crypto Wallet by Wallet IDgetCUSTOMER - MOBILE MONEYCreate a mobile money customerpostGet all mobile money customersgetUpdate a mobile money customerpatchGet a mobile money customer by customer keygetGet a mobile money customer by PhonegetWITHDRAWWithdraw Fiat to Mobile MoneypostGet Withdrawal Mobile Money StatusgetGET SUPPORTING BANKSgetMOBILE MONEY DEPOSITDeposit via mobile moneypostGet Deposit on Mobile Money statusgetBANK DEPOSIT(checkout)Deposit via bank checkoutpostGet Deposit statusgetCARD DEPOSITDeposit via cardpostGet Deposit statusgetRATESGet exchange rategetGet Onramp Exchange ratepostGet Offramp Exchange ratepostGet Fiat to Fiat exchange ratepostGet all exchange ratesgetPAYMENT PROVIDERSGet Payment ProviderspostWITHDRAW V2BANK WITHDRAWALpostBANK WITHDRAWAL STATUSgetGET SUPPORTING BANKSgetKYCCreate Kyc Basic DetailspostCreate Kyc AddresspostCreate Kyc DocumentpostGet Kyc StatusgetGet Integrator Kyc UsersgetOFFRAMPOfframp to Mobile MoneypostGet Offramp MobileMoney StatusgetONRAMPSend Token to Crypto WalletpostGet Status ResponsegetCreate OnramppostGet Status ResponsegetPowered byĀ GET SUPPORTING BANKSget https://sandbox-api.kotanipay.io/api/v3/withdraw/v2/bank/supporting-banks/{currency}This Api Handles fetching of supporting banks